It’s Time for an ‘Overwatch’ Battle Pass — Variety

The rise of “Fortnite’s” battle royale mode brought with it the rise of the battle pass — Fortnite’s model for monetizing its otherwise free game. It’s making Epic Games millions of dollars. As other developers start to move to and adopt the battle pass system — most recently “Rocket League” — I’ve been thinking a […]… Meet and fuck


via DISILLUSIONED,DISHONORED,left DESTITUTE I know this woman personally,and writen here is just an account of a small percentage of the nightmare that became this woman’s horror story.All the filth and scumbag criminals in and around the hood came out of the woodwork and latched onto this poor naive woman like the blood sucking leaches they…

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton